Posted on: October 6, 2024 Posted by: Shayla Kuykendall Comments: 0
The Forge Movie Picture
Photo Credit: Films

The Kendrick Brothers have done it again- creating a faith-based movie that unifies Christians and helps Christians to truly understand the ultimate goal for believers: making disciples, which is the basis for this movie. Like many faith-based films, this movie does a great job of meeting people where they are.

We see the characters, Cynthia, a hopeful, single mother played by Priscilla Shirer, and her son, Isaiah Wright, played by Aspen Kennedy, who is essentially on the road to self-discovery. Within a year, Isaiah goes from boyhood to manhood (age 19 to 20) as he is faced with challenges to grow or stay stagnant. While on this journey, he crosses paths with Joshua Moore, a gym owner played by Cameron Arnett, who becomes his bridge to Jesus through discipleship.

What I like about this movie is that discipleship is not carried out in a way that makes it initially evident that this is what the gym owner is doing. Rather, discipleship plays out through the power of planting a seed. For example, discipling someone can start by sitting down for a cup of coffee, going to grab a bite to eat, or even just saying, “Hey, let’s meet at my house and watch the game.” And over time, there is this progression to leading someone to the Lord, which I think is key to discipleship. I think relationships should in some ways go before the agenda because that is how we can meet people where they are, hence the gym owner meeting Isaiah who is trying to work through many issues including not having a father in his life.

The character evolution and transformation of Isaiah Wright unfolds as he becomes a mentee of Joshua Moore. Thus, the correlation between mentorship and discipleship is strengthened as Joshua challenges Isaiah to not only become better at his job but also to become better as a man.

I love the sense of brotherhood in this movie. We get to witness fellowship amongst a group of men be so intentional. Some people who have grown up in church, like myself, are familiar with the concept of a brotherhood ministry. I think this movie does a great job of demonstrating what that should look like- strengthening each other and raising the next generation of men.

The film’s tagline, “Whoever wants the next generation the most will get them” is impactful because it truly speaks to the time we are living in. Don’t get me wrong, I think there has always been this underlying fight for our youth, but today, there is so much around us to influence and entice us, and the upcoming generations can become easily swayed by what they see or by what culture is saying is popular.

In an interview by, Alex Kendrick, one of the writers and director of the movie, talks about how the morals, values, faith, and beliefs of college students are under attack by the world. Kendrick believes it is up to the Body of Christ (both men and women) to go after the next generation and remind them of what is true according to what God says.

The Kendrick Brothers have a history of challenging men in previous movies such as War Room, Courageous, Fireproof, and even Overcomer to look inward and see how they are going to step up and be the man that God has called them to be. At the same time, these movies touch every aspect of the family dynamic to where everyone can see themselves in the characters. Their movies have even challenged the person struggling to become confident in who God has made them to be.

I think that is what also makes The Forge special. Moviegoers of all ages, male or female, will be able to see that at one point in life, we have all been like Isaiah, whether it is struggling to forgive or fighting against the process of becoming who God is calling us to be.

Speaking of which, the crossovers in terms of characters from previous movies were also fun to see. I won’t go into too much detail, but if you have been a loyal watcher of their movies, you will notice how past characters continue to build upon the Biblical principles of what the Kendrick Brothers are trying to emphasize in their movies. For example, Miss Clara, played by Karen Abercrombie, resurfaces in this movie as a prayer warrior who embodies how every Christian should adopt a lifestyle to pray and then act.

Since its premiere on August 23, 2024, The Forge has grossed right at $30 million. If a local theatre near you is still showing it, run to it!!! It is impactful. I cannot wait to watch it again.

Oh, and don’t leave once the credits start rolling. You can thank me later.

To learn more about the movie, visit

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